Backing up your blog regularly also helps in procuring from secure your wordpress site hackers. You must keep a copy of your documents hide away in backup system so you can be certain of your database. This makes you a protected files that serves you in times of down is the system. Hackers are less likely to steal from a secured back useful link up system.
The approach, and the one I recommend, is to use one of the creation and storage plugins available for your browser. People like RoboForm, but I think after a trial period, you need to pay for it. I Visit Website use the free version of Lastpass, and I recommend it for those of you who use Firefox or Internet Explorer. That will generate secure passwords for you.
Move your wp-config.php file up one directory from the WordPress root. WordPress will look for it there if it can't be found in the main directory. Also, nobody will have the ability to read the file unless they have SSH or FTP access.
WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for self-hosted sites and websites. While WordPress is pretty secure from the box, there are always going to be individuals who wish to make website here trouble by finding a way to crack into sites or accounts to cause harm or inject hidden spammy links. That is why it's important to make sure that your WordPress installation is as secure as possible.
Just ensure you decide on a plugin that's up to date with the current version and release of WordPress, and that you may schedule, restore and replicate.